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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

TBT at Brooklyn Bridge

Now that I am finished with my finals and back to Hong Kong, it's time to come back to my blog and do a bit of updates. I decided to start with a post about my day at Brooklyn Bridge first because it was my friend, Alicia's 21st Birthday a few days ago! Alicia and I went to Brooklyn Bridge on a regular friday a while ago. 

Along the way to the pier, there were many cafes. We got cookie and cream at Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory. It seems very popular as many people waited in line. 

There were many tourists and couples taking pictures in the area. Although the weather was very gloomy, the atmosphere was very warm and welcoming. We then chilled at the Brooklyn Bridge Park. It is always nice to take a break from all the school work. 

I wore a basic V-neck sweater, long coat with a pair of ripped jeans, and boots that day. Often I find myself actually dress better when I don't think too much about my outfit. This perhaps also goes with how we treat our life journey. When I was younger, I loved to plan every steps ahead. I imagined that by the time I am 18, I would be very successful and well-known in life, having my own boutiques, dating, enjoying my campus life. But my senior friends would always tell me to take it easy and just let things be. I did not really understand when I was a teenager. I always have this perfect vision, perfect plan.. just everything has to be perfect. Though now that I am 20, my perspective towards life has changed alot. 

Everything now, is so different than what I have expected when I was younger. I never thought that I would be studying in a design school in New York. My initial plan was to study business and management in Australia. I just applied to a few art schools in New York because all my friends were handing in their application to schools in the UK and US at that time. I also wanted to test my ability in art. I did not even know about Parsons until my mum told me that Project Runway was shot there. I applied to Parsons for Communication Design but I am now going into Fashion Design next fall. I never imagined myself doing a campaign with American Eagle Outfitters. Entering the competition was a spontaneous act. Yesterday, I just found out I won a competition hosted by Styletag. It was a mandatory competition that our teacher asked us to join. People may say I am lucky, but I think it is all about taking chances now. Since I came to New York, I slowly learnt to just try and let things happen the way it should be. Sometimes too much expectations can lead to too much disappointment. So why not just take one step at a time and see where it leads you. I truly believe that God will guide me along. He has a plan for me and you.

Giordano Ladies Coat/ Banana Republic Sweater/ Zara Jeans/ Coach Bag/ Uniqlo Glasses/ Boots & Necklace from Korea

Last but not least, Happy 21st Birthday to the pure girl, Alicia! :)


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